I read "The Little Mermaid" this week. I choose the book because book cover is so pretty. I did not know "Little Mermaid" story before I read this book. Mermaids cannot love humans. However, main character, "Little Mermaid" was fall in love with human.
Little Mermaid is the youngest girl in six sisters and she is the most lovely girl of all them. Her face is beautiful and her voice so clear. Her body ended in a fish's tail.
When she became fifteen years old, she swam up and she discovered a big ship. She looked into the ship and she found a young prince. She was fall in love with him. However, mermaid cannot love humans, so Little Mermaid was worry. Then, suddenly, it became bad weather and the big ship was struck by lighting. The young prince fell into sea then Little Mermaid helped him. She put him on the beach and kissed him. It's very romantic!! Then, she could only think about the prince. She asked her grandmother and she said, when mermaids die, they become foam on the water. If human loved you and married, human would give you a soul. Little Mermaid decided to marry prince. Then, she went to a sea witch's house and drank a magic drink. If the mermaid drink it, mermaid's tail split two legs. The sea witch told Little Mermaid. Once mermaid become human, she can never go back mermaid. Then, if the prince marries someone else, Little Mermaid will not get a human soul. She gave her beautiful voice to the witch so she cannot speak and sing. She went to prince's house and prince led her. She and the prince spend together. However, the prince loves other girl. Little Mermaid was sad and couldn't forget him. Before when the prince marries other girl, Little Mermaid's sister came to her and advised her to kill prince and she can live sea again. Little Mermaid tried to kill him but she couldn't. She went to heaven with angels.
It is very sad story. I thought Little Mermaid really loved the prince. I thought her feeling that love person.The book was taught me to true love. (367)
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