I read Come Back, Amelia Bedelia this week. I like Amelia Bedelia book series. She is very scatterbrain and reckless woman. I like her character.
One day, Mrs. Rogers said, "I will have some cereal with my coffee this morning". Amelia Bedelia got the cereal and put in a cup. Then, she pour coffee into the cup. I was surprised her act!! Mrs. Rogers got angry and she told Amelia Bedelia go out!! Then she looked for new job. First, she went to beauty salon and asked "Can I help you?" The lady told Amelia to have the customer's hair pinned up. However, Amelia took some safety pin and pick up it her hair. The customer got angry and Amelia was fired. Next, she went to clothes shop and helped sewing. The lady said "please shorten these dress". Amelia took scissors and shorten these dress. The lady was angry and she told Amelia to fired. Amelia was sad and she looked for new job again. Then, she went to doctor's office and she mistook there and she was fired again. Amelia went back to the Rogers house. Mrs. Rogers said, "Sorry, Amelia. Please come back ".Amelia was very happy and she became homemaker again. I was funny when I read this book. This book is amusing I thought. I want to read another Amelia Bedelia book this week!! If you don't read Amelia Bedelia book, please read it! I recomend this book. (243)
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