I read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland this week. I did not know the story well so I lend the book. The story is.. Alice saw a rabbit and he dropped his watch. Then, Alice pick up and chased the rabbit. Suddenly, Alice dropped a big hole and the hole was very strange. She was falling slowly and she saw some books, cups, and pictures on the wall. Then, she fell down and she saw a small door. Behind the door, there were beautiful garden. She wanted to go there but the door was too small. She could not go there. She went to a table and she found a little bottle. The bottle was written, DRINK ME. Alice drank it and she was getting smaller and smaller. Then she found a small cake. The cake was written EAT ME. She ate it and she was getting bigger. It was very strange! She met strange people one after another. She met cards people.The card's Queen was very strict and scary. Alice was fear her. Finally, the queen got angry with Alice but it was a dream!! Alice slept deeply. It was wonder and strange a story. (195)
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