I cooked a pasta and cake!
Yesterday, I cooked a pasta and chocolate cake. I used bacon, mushroom and spinach for pasta. This base was soy sauce.I like to cook pasta. I often cook pasta.I cut those ingredients, and boiled a pasta. Then, fried those ingredients and seasoned with soy souce and garlic. Then, mixed a boiled pasta. The taste was good! After eating, I cooked a chocolate cake for christmas. It took an hour and It was hard but it was well done! I decolated a sugar to a chocolate cake. I will give it tomorrow so I am looking forward to giving surprise present! (102)
About my chosen country

In answer to these questions ...
1. Cheese, wine, cream puff
2. Paris Eiffel Tower
3.This country is twice the size of Japan.
4.car, cheese, wine, wheat

Special Dictation
Grammar is the field of lingustics that covers the conventions governning the use of any given natural language. It includes morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics each language has its own distinct grammar. "english grammar" is the set of rules of the english language itself. "an english grammar" is a specific study or analysis of these rules. A reference book descrubing the grammar of a language is called a "reference grammar " or simply "a grammar". A fully explict grammar exhaustively describing the grammatical constructions of a language is called a descriptive grammar, as opposed to lingustic prescription, which tries to enforce the governing rules of how a language is to be used.(117)

I bought LOCCITANE perfume! I wanted get it very much! I like LOCCITANE things. The perfume is Cherry Blossom. I like the sweet smell. The bottle's color is pink and drawn cherry blossom. It is very cute. The cost was 6,000 yen. I like it very much. LOCCITANE is my favorite shop so if you don't lnow the shop, please go there!(62)
The Twelve Dancing Princesses

I read The Twelve Dancing Princesses this week. I chose the book because the book cover was very cute. The twelve sisters are beautiful and they loves dance very much. However, their father, king did not like dancing so he orderd not to dance. He had an idea and decided that the man to discover where his daughters went. Some princes came to try it but they failed. A magician came to try and he used a magic and he solved. Twelve daughters went to a beautiful castle and danced. The magician solved the mistery so he married one of twelve daughters. When I read the book, I did not understand the story but I understand later. The book is very cute picture so I recommend the book!(128)
Hansel and Gretel

I read Hansel and Gretel this week. Do you know the story? Hansel and Gretel's house is very poor so their dinner is only a slice of bread. They always hungry. Their mother and father decided to take Hansel and Gretel deep into the forest and leave them. Next morning, they went to the forest and father and mother went back home. Hansel and Gretel left there. They could not go back home. Then, they walked and they found a little house. They went there and the house made sweets. They ate it. suddenly, a old woman appeared and she welcomed Hansel and Gretel. The woman gave many sweets. After that, Hansel and Gretel noticed that the woman was a witch. Then she will eat Hansel and Gretel. Hansel and Gretel thought to escape the witch. Then Gretel slammed the oven door shut. Hansel and Gretel went back home and they lived with his father. The story is happy end story. (160)

I will write about France. I chose the country because I am interested in Fashion, foods and sightseeing. Official language is French. Paris is the capital of France. France area is twice the size of Japan.
First I will write about French foods. Wine, cheese, sweets are famous foods of France. The famous wines are Bordeaux, bourgogne wines. The famous cheese is Camembert cheese. The famous sweets are crepe, cream puff, souffle, macaron, madeleine.

Next, I will write about fashion. Paris is famous of fashion. France has many fashion brands. For example, there are Christian Dior, Chloe, HERMES, Yves Saint Laurent, CHANEL, Cartier, ZUCCa and so on. These fashion brands are popular all over the world. Paris Collection (パリコレ) take place two times every year. France is fashionable and place of dispatch fashion.
Third, I will write about sightseeing of France. France has many famous sightseeing and World Heritage Site. Eiffel Tower is the most famous sightseeing in Paris. The tower is about 320 meter in height. Triumphal arch is also famous sightseeing. Champs-Elysees is a big street in northwest in Paris. There are many exclusive shops and esplanade. Louvre museum, Ermitage museum and Orsay museum are most famous museums in France. Louvre museum has Mona Lisa's works. Notre-Dame is the most beautiful and beautiful shrine in Paris. Other sightseeing is Bordeaux area where is famous for wine. Then, Marseilles is also big city and popular for sightseeing. France has many sightseeing.
I think this country has deep history, culturer and developed every points. I want to go to France very much!! (262)

First I will write about French foods. Wine, cheese, sweets are famous foods of France. The famous wines are Bordeaux, bourgogne wines. The famous cheese is Camembert cheese. The famous sweets are crepe, cream puff, souffle, macaron, madeleine.

Next, I will write about fashion. Paris is famous of fashion. France has many fashion brands. For example, there are Christian Dior, Chloe, HERMES, Yves Saint Laurent, CHANEL, Cartier, ZUCCa and so on. These fashion brands are popular all over the world. Paris Collection (パリコレ) take place two times every year. France is fashionable and place of dispatch fashion.
Third, I will write about sightseeing of France. France has many famous sightseeing and World Heritage Site. Eiffel Tower is the most famous sightseeing in Paris. The tower is about 320 meter in height. Triumphal arch is also famous sightseeing. Champs-Elysees is a big street in northwest in Paris. There are many exclusive shops and esplanade. Louvre museum, Ermitage museum and Orsay museum are most famous museums in France. Louvre museum has Mona Lisa's works. Notre-Dame is the most beautiful and beautiful shrine in Paris. Other sightseeing is Bordeaux area where is famous for wine. Then, Marseilles is also big city and popular for sightseeing. France has many sightseeing.
I think this country has deep history, culturer and developed every points. I want to go to France very much!! (262)

I will write about France because I am interested in foods, fashion and tourist attraction.
Fashion brand
famouse places
Fashion brand
famouse places
Today is my friend, Yone's birthday-!! Happy Birthday Yone!! She became 20 years old. I and she are good friends. I met her when I was high school student. Her name is Hitomi but I call her, Yone. She is very kind and cute woman. Then she is active person. She plays the Koto and she is one of the my club members. I met her recently and I talked to my worry to her. She listened to my worry and she gave me a advice. I became funny. I often talk with her because she knows me very well. Sometime she says me strickly, but I take it supple. She has a worry so I want to help her. (119)
I called Ayumi yesterday night. Then, she will come back december27!! I am very happy because I wanted to meet her very much. December27, we will have a drinking party of high school classmate. So I am looking forward to meeting them. I will pick up her and I will go shopping together. I want to see nail shop for Coming Of Age Day. I do not decide my nail for the day. Then I will go to hairdresser. I want to dye my hair. I am looking forward to coming the day! (95)
Recently I drive my car. I come to school by car and I parked at Kenritsu theater. Last week, I went to Hikarinomori by car. It was the first time to drive myself so I was very anxiety. Barely, I arrived Hikarinomori. Next Saturday, I will go to Kumamoto airport. I want to drive well and I want to go anywhere! (61)

I read Mouse Soup this week. The writer is Arnold Lobel. I like his book because the picture is cute and easy to read for me. The story is a mouse says four interesting stories. When the mouse was reading a book, a weasel caught the mouse. Then the weasel took the mouse his home
and he said, "I'm going to make mouse soup". The weasel put the mouse in a soup pot but the mouse said, "Mouse soup must be mixed with stories to make it taste really good!". Then the mouse told four stories. First story was BEE AND THE MUD story. Next story was TWO LARGE STONES. Third story was THE CRICKETS. Final story was THE THORN BUSH. After talking, the mouse told the weasel, run out and find a nest of bees, a mud, two large stones, crickets and a thorn bush. Then put them into the soup!. The weasel ran out to find them. During the weasel was finding them, the mouse went to his safe home. Then the mouse ate his soup. It is very interesting story. The weasel is too honest so he missed. (201)
Coming Of Age Day
I met my local friends yesterday. I met my friends, Chiho and Hikaru. They also has a job so they are busy. I was very happy to meet them. Chiho and Hikaru are my best friends. We talked about Coming Of Age Day and party. We have big event on January12. We decided to drinking party place and start time.My junior high school classmate is very small. My classmate are 27 people so I hope that everyone comes the party. (82)
I went to Yakiniku restaurant with my mother, grandmother, my brother and his girl friend yesteraday. After part time job, I drove to Ueki and went to the restaurant. I talked with my brother's girl friend. She is 17 years old and she is very cute girl. Her name is Chiaki. I ate a lot and I was full up. After the dinner, I went to supermarket and shopping with my grandmother. She bought many grocery. It was been a long time to shopping with my grandmother so I was very happy. I had a very good time!! I want to go again. (103)

I read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland this week. I did not know the story well so I lend the book. The story is.. Alice saw a rabbit and he dropped his watch. Then, Alice pick up and chased the rabbit. Suddenly, Alice dropped a big hole and the hole was very strange. She was falling slowly and she saw some books, cups, and pictures on the wall. Then, she fell down and she saw a small door. Behind the door, there were beautiful garden. She wanted to go there but the door was too small. She could not go there. She went to a table and she found a little bottle. The bottle was written, DRINK ME. Alice drank it and she was getting smaller and smaller. Then she found a small cake. The cake was written EAT ME. She ate it and she was getting bigger. It was very strange! She met strange people one after another. She met cards people.The card's Queen was very strict and scary. Alice was fear her. Finally, the queen got angry with Alice but it was a dream!! Alice slept deeply. It was wonder and strange a story. (195)
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