Official Meeting
Yesterday, I wore a suit and came to school. I had a officer explanation meeting. I am very interested in officer job. I knew about official job and how many people adopting. I have officer course for 2 years so I study to become officer. It was very hard to be an officer when I listened to the meeting. I want to dream come true and work as an officer!! I want to study hard everyday! (77)

I went to Style Cafe yesterday. The cafe was in Nishikigaoka. I found the cool cafe. It was rainy and very cold so I orderd hot coffee and mango chesse cake. My friend orderd hot coffee and chocolate cake. It was very delicious!! I took out some cakes for gift. Then I went to my friend's grandmother's house. I know her very much. She is very kind and she is 94 years old. Grandmother left the hospital and came back home yesterday. I was very happy. However, grandmother became good but not perfect. I was worry about her. I want to see grandmother again. (102)
My favorite shops

My favorite shops are LUSH and LOCCITANE. I love those shops very much! First, I will write about LUSH. There are Crea and Tsuruya in Kumamoto. My friend's sister works at LUSH so I get some LUSH goods from her. LUSH is handmade shoap and bath goods shop. The bath goods are very colorful and sweety. I use LUSH soaps. 

Next, I will write LOCCITANE. LOCCITANE is made in France. I use the handcream. It is very good!! The smell is cherry blossom and color is pink. Today, LOCCITAN shop poens in Tsuruya. I am very happy. LOCCITANE shop has not in Kumamoto so I went to Fukuoka to buy it. However, I can buy in Tsuruya.
If you have interested them, please try it!! (122)
HIgh School Class
My high school was Hitsuyukan high school and I was 7 class for 3 years. This is international cource and we liked English!! My class were 38 classmate. My teacher was Noriko teacher. She is English teacher and she is kind but sometimes strikt. She always looked me and she noticed when I was trouble. She was very good teacher. My classmate likes her. My classmate also kind to me. I like them. My class was very funy and good class. I love 7 kumi!!! Next month, it will gather at 7 classmate. I am very looking forward to meeting them. (101)

I like sports very much. Especially, I like baseball and basketball. I like to watch baseball game better than play baseball. Last summer, I went to Yahoo Dome studium and watched baseball game! It was very funny and exciting. My brother plays baseball so I like it and I do it. I am good at playing basketball. I had played basketball for 6 years. I started basketball when I was 10 years old. I was very small so I ran and ran then. Now, I have not played sports so I want to play something sports. I want to try ice skating this winter. I like watching ice skating show on TV. I am not good at playing ice skating but I want to try it!! (126)
Snow White

I read "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" this week. Everyone knows the story. One winter day, The Queen's daughter born. She had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony. She is very beautiful. Her name is White Snow. Then, The King married again and the new Queen was proud. She wanted was to be the most beautiful in the world. Everyday she asked the magic mirror, who is the fairest of us all? Meanwhile snow white grew more lovely. Then, one morning, The Queen asked same question, and the mirror said, "Actually, it is snow white." She got angry and she decided to kill snow white. She made a plan that kill snow white and and she called for the royal huntsman and orderd to kill in the forest. Then, the huntsman took snow white but he could not kill. He advised her to doesn't come back the palace. Snow white had a trouble and she ran until the sun sank. Then she found a small house and she opened the door. However, there was no one home. There were small table and small bets. This home was the seven dwarfs home! They came back home and they found snow white. They were surprised but they thought , how beautiful woman! Snow white and seven dwarfs became good friends and seven dwarfs saved snow white. However, The Queen knew snow white alive. She got angry and she disguisted herself as an old woman. First, she tried to kill snow white by rope but the dwarfs came back soon and they rescued her. Next, she tried to kill by a poisoned comb. Fortunately, she lives and the dwarfs warned her. "Don't open the door!" Finally, she tried to kill by poison apple. Snow white ate it and she was dead. The dwarfs were sad and they put her coffin on a nearby hill. One year later, a prince saw the snow white and he asked to take her to his palace. When his servants to carry the coffin, the apple flew from snow white's mouth. She revived! Then snow white and the prince married. Meanwhile, the queen broke the mirror. This story is sometimes sad and terrible but happy story. It is very funny story. Please read snow white book! (400)
My Car!

On Monday, after school, I went to NISSAN car shop with my mother. I went to there for choose my car. I was troubled which color light blue or chocolate brown. First, I saw light blue car. It was cute! Next I saw chocolate brown. It was cute too! I ride the car and watched inside. There was cute design of sparkle star. I choose chocolate brown car. The car type is PINO. It is minicar and new car. The price was about one million yen. It is very expencibe for me but my grandfather pays half of it. I'm thankful to my grandfather. My car will come to my house the end of the month. So I am looking forward to coming new car! (125)
It is cold today. I do not like winter because I do not like cold. My hometown is very cold. In winter, it is snowy in my hometown. When I was a child, I liked snow. But now, I do not like snow. I ride on bike everyday. It is very cold. Next Wednesday, it will be very cold. Be careful and I will wear warm coat. (67)
I will talk about my favorite country. My favorite country is Australia. I have been to Australia once when I was high school student. I think Australia is very big and has nature. I like nature. Australia has very beautiful sea and has many animal. I saw and touched Koara at zoo. It was very soft and I learn Koara almost sleep. I went to many famous places with my host family. I swam in beautiful sea, went to zoo and tehme park. I went to Australian high school. It was very free and everyone were enjoyed class. I thought it was different to Japanese school. I like Australian school life than Japanses school life. Australia has many good things so I recommend to go to Australia!!(126)
My Favorite Actress and Actor

I have some my favorites actress and actors. First, I like Kitagawa Keiko. Do you know her?
She is a young actress. She is a very beautiful woman and she has a good figure!! She appears in the movie "Handsome Suit". I want to watch it very much. She also appears in a cosmetic commercial. She appeared on the cover of the magazine PS last month. I like her fashion and I like her acting.

Next, I will write about my favorite actors. I have two actors that I like. First, I like Will Smith. He is very popular all over the world. He appeared in many movies. My favorite Will Smith movies are Men in Black, Bad Boys, and Hancock. I watched Hancock at the theater. It was a very funny movie. He often comes to Japan and he appears in Japanese TV programs. When I watched SMAP SMAP, Will Smith appeard as a guest. He is funny and cool man! I like his personality. I am looking forward to watch his new movie.


I read Cinderella this week. I like Cinderella story very much. How about you? I know Cinderella story but I did not read it written English. The story is Cinderella helps for her two sisters and her mother. She always cleans their room and cooks. She wears dirty clothes. Her mother loves two sisters not Cinderella. When two sisters and mother goes to ball, Cinderella helps their change of clothes. She wanted to go to ball but she could not go to ball. She was left alone and she was sad. Suddenly, Godmother Felicity appeared to her. Cinderella was surprised. Godmother bewitched mice and pumpkin into horses and carriage. Her dirty clothes changed beautiful dress. Cinderella was very happy and she could go to ball. At the ball, Cinderella met Prince and she danced with him. She had very nice time until twelve. She ran across the dance floor and went back home harry. On the way to back home, she dropped a pair to her glass slipper. The prince wanted to see her so he looked for her. He went to Cinderella's house. Then, two sisters tried to put on the glass slipper. However, their foot was too big so they could not put on it. Next, Cinderella tried to put on it and it was just fit!! He could find Cinderella and Cinderella and prince got married. It is very good story. If you do not read yet, please read it!!(238)

I will talk about Masa! Masa is Ayumi's boyfriend. He is from Kumamoto but now, he lives in Fukuoka. He is a conductor of train. He is 19 years old. He is very very funny, talkative and positive man! I have met him twice and I often call him. This summer, I met Ayumi and Masa. Then, we enjoyed shopping. We went to cafe and ate big big parfait. Masa likes sweets so he ate a lots. It was very funny for me! Recently, Ayumi and Masa had a quarrel so I was worried. However, they made up a uarrel so I was glad. Masa lives in north Kyusyu near Space world. I want to go there and meet him at the future. (123)
I went to Fukuoka for shopping on November8. After part time job, I went to Fukuoka by car. I arrived at Ayumi's house at1:00 a.m. I was very tired then so I slept soon. The next day,I went to Tenjin with my boyfriend and Ayumi. First, we bought Mai's birthday present at Tenjin Core. I bought bracelet. Then, we went to Ippudo and ate boodle. It was very good taste! In the afternoon, I went to Marinoa city and enjoyed shopping. I bought many clothes there. I bought cute boots, cardigan and coat. I spend about 30,000 yen for clothes. My boyfriend bought clothes more than me. He spend about 40,000 yen. He is rich! Then, we said good-by to Ayumi and we went back Kumamoto. I had very enjoyed shopping. (134)
I went to Mai's house
I went to Mai's house yesterday after school. Mai did not have work the day so I went to talk to her. I talked about my worries and other things. I have problems. Mai listened to my talk calmly and she gave me some advices. My feeling became good. I always depend her when I have problem. Mai also has worries. She was worry. I listened to her talk and I gave advice. I hope she become good and fine. I stayed her house the day. I wanted to talk more. (90)
Today, after part time job, I will go to Fukuoka by car. I will go to Fukuoka for shopping tomorrow. I am very excited!! I will stay Ayumi's house tonight. Then, I will go to Tenjin tomorrow morning and afternoon, I will go to Mariona city. I will buy Mai's birthday present with Ayumi. In Mariona city, I will buy many things. I want to buy shoes, clothes and bag. I have a lot of things that I want to buy. (81)
My Favorite Coffee Shops
I will talk about my favorite coffee shops. I love coffee. Do you like coffee??
Seattle's best coffee shop is very cool shop but there are no shop in Kumamoto. There are in Fukuoka so if you go to Fukuoka, please go to Seattle's coffee shop.(59)
Seattle's best coffee shop is very cool shop but there are no shop in Kumamoto. There are in Fukuoka so if you go to Fukuoka, please go to Seattle's coffee shop.(59)
Nate The Great and The Snowy Trail

I read "Nate The Great and The Snowy Trail" this week. I like Nate The Great book. This time, Nate The Great searchs for Rosamond's Christmas present. Rosamond is Nate's friendd and she asked to look for her Christmas present. First, Nate looked down at the snow and he found her footprints. He found new clue. Then he followed the footprints but suddenly the footprints disappeard. He drop into deep thought and he went to Rosamond's house. Rosamond said, "the Christmas present is heavy, strange, and ugly and can get off a sled." Nate solved the problem and he found Christmas present. The Christmas present was big big cat. The cat climbed tree. He found the cat and he give it to Rosamond. She was very happy. Nate is very good detective boy. I did not solve the problem. I want to read other Nate The Great book. (148)
TAKUMA Festival

Takuma festival took place on October31, November1,2. Before festival, I made our display eberyday. Our display was tea room. We made Mario room. We draw Mario's pictures and ? box, and we made peach princes costume and so on. It was very hard work. That day, many people came to our room and enjoyed. I was very happy. My club sold Warabimochi. The warabimochi had 7 toppings and customer can chose one. The idea was very good I thought. I ate chocolate and cocoa warabimochi. It was very good and sweet. Then, I took part in Kouyasai. I did not take part in Kouyasai last year so this time was my first time. The festival were announced prize of palade costume, bazaar and display. I got nervous then. We got second prize of palade costume. I was very surprised and we ran to stage. Palade costume leader, Yuka talked on stage. I was very happy but.... it happed surprise things!! We got bazaar prize again!!! It was incredible that we has got prize again. We were very happy. After the festival, we went to bar and we did end the work off with a drinking party. I drank more and enjoyed. Before Takuma festival, I was very tired and I did not like festival because I thought why we work hard everyday??? However, after festival I changed my mind. I did do my best for festival. It was my youth time. I was happy to get prize and I had very good time with my club members. (254)

I read "The Nutcracker" this week. The story is Clara gave a Christmas present from her godfather. Then, suddenly strange happend. She got a wooden nutcracker doll for Christmas present. She slept under the Christmas tree with the doll and she wake up, she became shriunk. Then, the Nutcracker Prince appeared. The prince took her out for special places. First, she went to icy palace. There were eight ballerinas and they were dancing. Next, she went to sweets land. The palace made in sweets. It is funny palace! Sugarplum Fairy welcomed to Clara. Clara ate many sweets. Then she got up and she realized this is dream and this is godfather's present. It is very fantasy story and funny. I want to get such a nice Christmas present.(124)
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