My Experience with blogging this semester
I had good experience with my blogging this semester. First class, I was worried about useing computer. However, I learned many things about blog and computer. My writing teacher is very funny so I learned cheerfully. Finally, I was glad to exceed 10,000 words! (44)
I have a twin sister. Her name is Ayumi. She lives in Fukuoka herself. She is a technical college student. Recently, she received JR Toukai of an informal decision. She was very glad then. She is active and very talkative and short temper girl. I do not like her character. My fasion style and her fashion style are completely opposite. I and she went to same school and same class for 9 years. Sometime I fighting wih her at school. I do not like her them. However, she went to Fukuoka, I was very sad and lonley. I really wanted to go together. Now, when I have a vacation, I go to her and enjoy talking and shopping together. This summer, on August 1, she will come back to Kumamoto. I am looking forward to meeting her. I want to enjoy shopping and going with her this summer. (148)
I bought a new cellphone!
I bought a new cellphone on last Saturday. I wanted cellphone very much. I went to Best Denki with my mother. I choose FOMA SH906 because the type function is very good and nice. The type are provided a touch panel. I was very surprised the touch panel. The cellphone has good function too! I can watch TV and has some comics. It is very functional cellpone. The sounds is clear and scren is also clear and big. My cellphone color is pink. The price was fifty thousand yen. It was very expensive for me to pay the cellphone. Then I decided to payment by installments. So I can pay easy. I want to use new cellphone with care. (122)
Today, I went to Lawson at this university and I found pretty things!! The pretty thing is sweet strap. The sweet strap was given a Lipton. I bought Jasmine tea. Then, my boyfriend bought Lipton and gave me a sweet strap. I was very happy. Sweet was a strawberry pafe. It seems very real and very appetizing! Besides, there are 4 kinds of sweets there. Coffee Cup, chocolate cake and crescent roll. There were very cute too. I want to get 4 kinds of sweet. I put sweet pafe strap on my bag and I want to take care of it. (101)
Japan has four seasons. I like each seasons. Especially, I like spring and summer. It is very hot recently but I like summer. In summer, we have summer vacation! We have a month and half vacation. I want to have summer vacation soon. Then, I want to go to sea very much!! I want to enjoy summer.(57)
Music I like
I like music very much. My favorite singer is AI.I like her song and her voice. Last summer, I went to her concert with my boyfriend. I was very excited and I like her more. My favorite AI's song is "Story". When I am lonely, I listen the song. The song made me happy. I bought her new CD yesterday. The CD is good and cool. (68)
I went to Hokubu hospital to see the doctor. I am not feeling myself since the day before yeaterday. I have a stomachache and have a fever of 38 degress. I am really not good feeling. I saw the doctor to my stomachache, and I was put on a drip for an hour and in and got some medicine. I did not eat well since the day before yeaterday so I became thin. I was glad to become thin but I found the pain stomachache. Yesterday, I wanted to rest and absent from class. However, I had to go to class!! I have a exam. I am unluckey girl. I really thought. The exam was Reading. I took some medicine and I went to school to take exam. Tomorrow, I have two exam. Speaking and International society and Japan. I muat study now for exam. I want to rest and cure my sick. I have to confront my trouble. (177)
Last Sunday, I had a part time job for 5 hours. After that, I went to Shimotori and Kamitori. First, I went to PARCO. There were many people!! PARCO takes place summer sale. The price of many clothes was greatly reduced at the sale. I was surprised the price. I went to Olive de Olive. Then, I bought T-shirt. The color was pink and printed ribbon. I thought it was very pretty. Next I went to another shop. I wanted bag so I went to bag shop. I saw the pretty bag. The bag's brand is Garcia Marquez. The price was 11,000 yen. It was expencive for me but I decided to buy it. I was happy to got pretty things. (123)
The Star Festival
Yesterday was the Star Festival. I wished on a star. I hope my wish come true. After I took officer course, I went to Jolly Pasta in Oue with my boyfriends. I had special dinner. I ate spaghetti , pizza, salad, cheese and chicken. It looked very delicious and rich. So I ate many foods, I had a stomachache. I was regret to ate many foods. I am not good feel, but I have to work part time job. I do not want to work... I want to recover my stomachache soon. (90)
Baseball Game

On July5, Saturday, I went to Fujisaki stadium. It was very hot day. My brother played baseball game there. The game is called "熱闘甲子園”. All of high school baseball team in Kumamoto, plays baseball and the winner can go to 甲子園. All of high school baseball teams strain for 甲子園.
My brother played baseball since he was elementally school student. He has played baseball for 9 years. Now, he goes to Tamana technical high school and belongs to baseball team. He gets up at 4 a.m. and goes to school to play early morning practice everyday. I was very impressed by his effort.
The game was very heated. Opposition was Kyusyu gakuin high school. The high school is strong baseball. My brother was not regular member. He was bench warmer. In the second inning, opposition scored one run. Then, next ining, scored two runs.I was worried. However, in the three ining, my brother's team came to chance! The batter hit one after another and were loaded with two outs. However, missed chance. The parents of baseball team was shock. However, in the 5 ining, my brother's baseball team scored two runs. I was happy! The last ining, my brother went to the batter's box for pinch hitter. My mother was very plased he went to batter's box. He ground out to thirdstop. He looked very regret. The result was my brother's team was beaten by 3 points. My brother's team was cry with disappointment. I was cry in sympathy. I was greatly touched by the game. This game was the last game for my brother. I had a good time to watch his last baseball game. (278)
My brother played baseball since he was elementally school student. He has played baseball for 9 years. Now, he goes to Tamana technical high school and belongs to baseball team. He gets up at 4 a.m. and goes to school to play early morning practice everyday. I was very impressed by his effort.
The game was very heated. Opposition was Kyusyu gakuin high school. The high school is strong baseball. My brother was not regular member. He was bench warmer. In the second inning, opposition scored one run. Then, next ining, scored two runs.I was worried. However, in the three ining, my brother's team came to chance! The batter hit one after another and were loaded with two outs. However, missed chance. The parents of baseball team was shock. However, in the 5 ining, my brother's baseball team scored two runs. I was happy! The last ining, my brother went to the batter's box for pinch hitter. My mother was very plased he went to batter's box. He ground out to thirdstop. He looked very regret. The result was my brother's team was beaten by 3 points. My brother's team was cry with disappointment. I was cry in sympathy. I was greatly touched by the game. This game was the last game for my brother. I had a good time to watch his last baseball game. (278)
Summer Vacation Plans
I have some plans of summer vacation. I will go to sea in Amakusa with my friends this summer. I did not go to sea last summer so I am looking forward to go to sea. Then, I will go to Fukuoka beginning of August. My twin sister lives in Fukuoka so I will stay and enjoy shopping with her. The Bon Festival, I will go back to Kumamoto with her. Then I will go to my grandmother’s house and have a feast. I like this custom because I meet my related. I enjoy talking about many things. My grandmother is very pleased I come to her house.(108)
Self-Introduction (10 years in the future)
Hello! I am Nozomi. I am 30 years old. I married and have two children. I have 5 members in my family and we lives in Australia. My husband is diplomat so we lives in Australia. I adjust ourselves new way of life. I live in Sydney. My house is near opera house. I can see beautiful sea and enjoy the beauties of Sydney. Lacal people are very kind so I like my house and my town. My husband is 30 years old. He is very kind and he is good husband. I met him when I was high school student. Two children are twins who is boy and girl. They are 5 years old and they goes to preschool. They are very mischievous children and active. I have two dogs and they are dachshund. I am housewife now. I was immigration officer for 2 years ago. However, I had to go to Australia so I gave up the job. I am housewife but I have many hobbies. So I enjoy my life. My hobbies are making sweets and learning anout Australia. I often go to market and buy ingredients. Then I make sweets with my children. This is my best hobby. I want to open my sweet shop one day in Japan. Then I like to traveling many places in Australia with my family. On holiday, I go to many places with my family and have nice times. I have Australian friends, so I also travel with them. I am happy now. (252)
My friends, Mai is very active girl. She is 19 years old and she has job. The job is Self- Defense Forces!! I was very surprised that she became Self- Defense Forces. I also thought it was dengiours job. However, she is very funny. Mai is a local friends. When I was junior high school student, I and she were good friends. Now, I often call her and meet her. Then, I listen to her complaint and happened. It is very funny.I really like her. I and she were always do together. She likes to playing sports. She was Shinai high school student. I think Shinai is very calm but Mi is not calm!! She really active and talkative girl. This summer, I will go to sea and do camp with her and lacal friends. I am looking forward to going sea! (143)
I am busy everyday! I have a lot of things that I have to do this month. I have to write 2 reports by next week. One is that I watch movie and write about my opinion. The other is that I look over about Old English and wtite about it. It is difficult for me. I take a course of officer for 2 times a week. I have to study all kinds of knowledge. It is too hard. This week, I have a part time job besides course of officer day. So I have no time to relax. I regularly do part time job on Saturday and Sunday. Those days are very busy day. Next week, I have four exam. "Reading", "Listening", "Speaking" and " International and Japan".I have to study for exam. I want to get A estimation. However, I want to sleep more!! I want to relax and playing with my friends. Then, moreover, I have group activities. I have to prepare for "Takuma Festival" and parade. Our club decided some groups and I became display group and parade group. So I have to go to school everyday before exam and make costume. I have no time! Please help me-!! (202)
What is your favorite music? What is your favorite singer? What is your music for you? I think music is my power, real and my love! I love music!! Music makes me happy and cheerful. I always listen to music and music gives me heart. My favorites singer are AI and 安室奈美恵.AI is very powerful singer. I like her song and character. I respect her everything. She can speaks English fluently and she is active woman! When I went to her concert, I gave her happy and courage. I listened to her real song, I shed tears. I was moved by her song. She always artless so I like her. Her song, "MUsic" is good song and I like this words.It is writen to her opinion about music. This song is hip-hop music. My favorite song of her is "Taisetsunamono" and "Story". Those songs are love ballades. When I am not good feel, I listen those songs. Especially, I have a memory to "Story". When I went to Australia, I did not want to leave my boyfriend. Then before I went to Australia, my boyfriend gave me CD. The CD was "Story". When I was feel lonely in Australia, I listened to her song, Story. I got over lonely.
Next, I will write 安室奈美恵. She is thirty years old and has a child. However, she has a good figure and beautiful. She can dance very well and her fashion is cool and good. I am longing her. I have been to her concert once when I was elementaly student. I remembered that I was moved her song. My favorite her songs are "Girls Talk" and "Baby Don't Cry". I like those words. Her voice is sexy and cool. I listen to her song, I become cheerful. I think music is our parts of life. What is your favorite music? What is your music for you? (320)
Next, I will write 安室奈美恵. She is thirty years old and has a child. However, she has a good figure and beautiful. She can dance very well and her fashion is cool and good. I am longing her. I have been to her concert once when I was elementaly student. I remembered that I was moved her song. My favorite her songs are "Girls Talk" and "Baby Don't Cry". I like those words. Her voice is sexy and cool. I listen to her song, I become cheerful. I think music is our parts of life. What is your favorite music? What is your music for you? (320)
My Hight School Memories
My high school was Hitsukan high school. My high school uniform is very very cute I think. I had very funny times of high school. I enterd international course for 3 years so there was no class change. My class was 7 class and there were almost girls. My class teacher was Noriko teacher for 3 years. She was very kind to our. I have many favorite memories. First, school excursion. I went to Tokyo Disney Land. It was my best memory. We made groups and enjoyed playing there. The weather was rainy and there were many people. I could not ride well but I met Chip and Daile and Mickey. I was very happy to meet. I also enjoyed shopping in Tokyo. I went to Asakusa and Harajyuku. The city was different from Kumamoto. I was surprised them. My high school baseball team is strong. I love baseball so I often cheered baseball game. My friends, Sayaka and Nozomi and my twin sister also loves baseball so I went to baseball game with them. We sang Hitsukan cheer song, and danced. I really have fun. In fact, I wanted to be baseball team manager but my baseball team did not have manager.
I liked field day too. I won the field day ever 3 years. It was my pride. Hitsukan field day was unpopular among students because the field day did not take place in our school. We had to go to Suizenji stadium. It was lazy when I was student. However, I think now, It was nice experience. When I was 3 grade student, 3 grade girls danced to wore folk costume that we made. My class made costume that Greece. It was very hard to make costume. I made it everyday. When I wore it, I was very grad! I enjoyed dancing. THis my best memories of field day. My classmate were very kind and individual character. I like my classmate. My best friends are Yui, Nozomi,and Sayaka. I always did together. Yui is active girl and she plays soccer.She is sometimes quick tempered, but I like her opinion and idea. She lives in Fukuoka now. Nozomi is very active and talkative girl. She was always make noise. She also lives in Fukuoka now. Sayaka is cool girl. She is good at studying and she is cute. I like her smile. She is prefectural college student. I want to meet them and enjoy playing. I love Hitsukan, I love my friends very much!! Thank you for leading.(300)
I liked field day too. I won the field day ever 3 years. It was my pride. Hitsukan field day was unpopular among students because the field day did not take place in our school. We had to go to Suizenji stadium. It was lazy when I was student. However, I think now, It was nice experience. When I was 3 grade student, 3 grade girls danced to wore folk costume that we made. My class made costume that Greece. It was very hard to make costume. I made it everyday. When I wore it, I was very grad! I enjoyed dancing. THis my best memories of field day. My classmate were very kind and individual character. I like my classmate. My best friends are Yui, Nozomi,and Sayaka. I always did together. Yui is active girl and she plays soccer.She is sometimes quick tempered, but I like her opinion and idea. She lives in Fukuoka now. Nozomi is very active and talkative girl. She was always make noise. She also lives in Fukuoka now. Sayaka is cool girl. She is good at studying and she is cute. I like her smile. She is prefectural college student. I want to meet them and enjoy playing. I love Hitsukan, I love my friends very much!! Thank you for leading.(300)
I read "HARRY and the Lady Next Door" this week. Harry is white dog with black spots. I like dog so I choose this book. The story is Harry tried some his idea. Harry does not like next door's lady. The lady always singing higher and louder. Harry does not like her song. So Harry had some ideas to stop singing. First, Harry stole her music. However, she goes on singing. Second, when Harry was sleeping, Harry heard to some cows mooing. This mooing is very low and beautiful music Harry thought. So Harry had one idea. The idea is Harry took some cows to next door's lady house. Some cows mooing at her house garden but the lady goes on singing higher and higher than cows. Harry thought this idea was failure. Finally, he had a idea. He saw the big horn in the Firemen's Band. He thought that the big horn will win the lady's sing. He took the firemen's band to lady's house. The firemen's band played more and more.However, the lady singing than firemen. Harry thought this idea failure again. When the song contest took place at night. Then the lady took part in the contest and sang. Harry brought the iug. The jug had flogs. When she was singing, the flogs jumped and out. Other singer escaped the floor but the lady going on singing. So the lady won the song contest. The award is that study music in a far-off country for a long time. Harry was very happy because the lady goes to foreign country. This story is a little sly story but I think it is funny!! Please read "Harry" story.(270)
My favorite car is MINI. I love it very much and I want to ride it in the future. Especially, I like it red color.It looks very cute and cool! When I see MINI, I really want to ride it. MINI is good quality and can run dealy speed. However, MINI is very expensive. If I work a job with good salary, I want to buy MINI. That is my dream!! (72)

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